Should i listen to people?
Should i put any weight to the nonconstructive criticism i get from others?
Should i believe people who put me down?
If you ever asked yourself these questions then read this article to know whether you should listen to people or not.
Of course i am not talking about people who give you advice or who try to help you but i am talking about people who put you down, discourage you and fill you with negativity.
Below are few situations that will help you understand why listening to people all the time can be complete ignorance:
Don't listen to most people because most of them say nonsense.
Don't ever let someone put you down because the problem might be with his own self confidence
Don't ever listen to someone who tries to make you believe that your dreams are not reachable because the problem might be with his own belief system.
Don't ever listen to a person who tries to convince you that you are bad because the problem might be with his own internal agenda.
Most people say nonsense, just don't listen to them and keep going.
Of course this is not what i am trying to say but the goal of this article is to let you filter everything that you are told strictly without believing everything that you hear.
Some of the things people will tell you might be great but other information can be just nonsense that need to be filtered.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.
The Solid confidence program was launched by; the program will either help you become more confident or give you your money back.
Want to know more?
How can peer pressure affect you
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
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