Many people wonder how success happens and how successful people become successful. The good news about success is that there is no secret that you need to know in order to achieve it.
The more you read about success stories the more you will realize that successful people share a certain way of thinking and that you can become like them once you start thinking like them.
Many successful people have proven this theory by getting up again and becoming successful more than once after facing devastating losses. Had luck been connected to success in any way then those people might have not managed to succeed for the 2nd and 3rd time after starting all over again.
One of the most important traits a person should have in order to become successful is passion. In his post i will tell you about a real life story that shows how passion leads to success.
Omar Herrawi, a close friend of mine, was passionate about skating. He used to skate everyday, then one day he decided to start a company that sells skateboards but he had one big challenge, no one used to skate in Egypt (except him i think)!
Omar didn't only decide to sell the skateboards he is passionate about but he also decided to create the market that didn't exist! Today all marketers start by assessing the market needs first before they launch any of their products.
Omar decided to create the market first then to launch the product! Each day Omar used to skate alone and to do impressing tricks in front of the people walking by. Whenever someone used to stop and watch him Omar used to encourage him to start skating as well.
Omar spent 1.5 years during which he only managed to have a team of 30 skaters!
I asked him once, how you kept going for a year and half without giving up even though the growth rate of the skaters was near zero.
He answered "i am passionate about skating and i was really happy doing it even if i am not making any money out of it"
Within few years the skating community had more than 7000 skaters! Omar's company,skateimpact, became the sole distributor for skateboards in Egypt, it became worth millions of Egyptian pounds and it started attracting the media's attention.
Omar's business was featured in business today then shortly Red bull contracted with him and asked him to use his skating team to market their products!
So what are the lessons you should learn from this story?
Here they are:
I have managed to become a self made millionaire at the age of 28. This didn't happen by chance because i already wrote that goal down five years before i accomplished it. Becoming rich is not about luck, starting big or being intelligent but its all about having certain beliefs about money and life.
In The Ultimate guide to becoming rich i will teach you everything that you need to know in order to become rich.
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