Why are some people nosey?
Why would someone do his best to know your news?
Why are some people so much concerned about the news of others?
Before i studied psychology i always used to hate nosey people but after i did i discovered that most nosey people need help and not hatred.
In this article i will take you for a trip inside the mind of the nosey person and tell you why are some people nosey.
Each and every human being who lives on this planet wants to feel good about himself in a way or another. Some people achieve this goal by useful means such as succeeding in life while others do it by harmful means such as becoming criminals (see Criminals psychology).
In short all people try to feel superior in a way or another, Some do it in a good way while others do it in a bad way.
so what does this has to do with nosey people?
Here are some examples that will make things clear:
Of course there might be another reason that makes a person nosey other than the previous ones. For example a person could become nosey if he is interested in someone or if he is interested to know someone's opinion of him.
The best way to deal with a nosey person if he was a close one is to explain to him the fact that he is trying to feel good about himself without doing any effort.
Of course such information will be shocking to the nosey person and that's why you must deliver it to him in a very intelligent way not to hurt him.
On the other hand if you don't know the nosey person well then just ignore him. After all you should pity him instead of feeling bad for he is looking day and night for any clue that can make him feel good about himself.
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