He is depressed since years but he doesn’t know the reason behind it. Sometimes he finds himself sad without knowing why and sometimes his mood swings with no apparent reason.
He is not that successful or that happy and he blames the government and luck for it.
But there is an inner voice inside him telling him that he is doing the wrong thing. it’s telling him that he has lost his way and that that he is fighting the wrong enemy. It’s begging him to know one thing, his real enemy.
Once There was a man who set very high goals and after he failed to achieve them he become bad tempered, easily irritated and he lost his faith in God.
He turned all of his anger to the people around him and even to God Himself. The Man was fighting the wrong enemy instead of fighting the thing that really bothered him.
Instead of directing all of his anger towards achieving his unmet goals he directed it towards other people and objects that aren't responsible for his problems.
How many times have you found yourself depressed without knowing why?
How many times have you started a fight with your neighbor because you were already feeling angry?
How many times have you blamed the wrong person or the wrong entity for your unsolved problems?
Examine every aspect of your life now and see if you know your real enemy. Examine this newly acquired bad temper and see if you know what caused it. Examine those drugs you are taking and see whether addiction is behind it or whether its just your desire to escape from your problems.
Examine this smoking habit you have newly acquired and see whether nicotine addiction is behind it or whether it’s just your external dependency.
Some people spend their lives escaping from their problems or fighting wrong enemies. some people just smoke and drink heavily because they only want to escape from their problems.
Some people become desperate, helpless and depressed just because they are turning their backs to their real enemies.
Sit down, bring a paper and a pen and trace the root of all of your problems and your unhappiness. Find out who is really behind it and see whether you know who is responsible for it. here is an example list of few real enemies that you might have wrote down:
1-My Fears
2-My Unmet goals
3-My Lack of self confidence
As soon as you determine your real enemies declare a war on them.
Write down the following on the same paper:
“I declare a war on my fears, on my lack of self confidence, on all of the things that bother me in life, on everything that is stealing my happiness, on everything that is making me depressed and on everything that is standing in my way”
Writing this down will send a message to your subconscious that you are going to fight until you get what you want and that depression is not an option.
Sometimes the greatest enemy lies at the shortest possible distance you could ever imagine. Sometimes the greatest enemy lies within you. Lack of self understanding can prevent you from controlling your emotions and it can make your mood swing without an apparent reason.
Know Yourself....Know Your Enemy
2knowmyself is not a simple article website nor it’s a place where you will find shallow fixes, but it’s a place where you will find effective techniques that are backed by psychology and that are presented in obvious and understandable format. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.The book How to make someone fall in love with you was released by 2knowmyself.com; the book will dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with you.
Declared War Yet?
I dont really know how to fight these things
Take me to part II of this article
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
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