Everyone at the bank was watching him silently while the bomb specialist was trying to deactivate the bomb. Whenever he asked for something everybody did their best to get it and whenever he talked all became quit just to listen to his words
Why do you think those people were acting that way? Why do you think they respected the man and gave him their attention? Simply because he was in a position of power. The power he acquired through his knowledge of deactivating bombs.
Power is the ability to influence both, people and your surroundings. It’s the ability of being in control instead of simply reacting to events as they occur. It’s the ability to make a change instead of being a helpless spectator. Power is what can make some people respect you, others fear you and its a trait that can help you get what you want
What you may not be aware of is that there are many sources of power and not just one. The good news is that some of these sources can be easily acquired. So if you don’t have the power you always wanted to have then don't worry at all.
Each of the following is a way that can help you gain more power. Learn about these items and collect as many of them as you can in order to become powerful:
Now that it's clear how empowering knowledge can be you should start acquiring knowledge that is relevant to the kind of power you want to have. If you are after social power then start by learning more about social skills, if you want to be powerful inside your company then learn about the things that other employees know nothing about and so on.
There are many other sources of power but they can't all be mentioned in one article. I want you to understand the nature and variety of these sources so that you can find more of them on your own. Just scan your environment for all possible sources of power that can be acquired then work towards collecting some of them.
Some people try to do their best to collect more of these sources of power, ignoring every ethical value. If you did the same you may end up becoming very powerful but you will also end up with disrespect to yourself and a deep unconscious feeling of guilt.
Nothing is better than becoming powerful while preserving your values.
Once you become powerful without feeling guilty because of the way you acquired your power you will be able to enjoy this power you acquired.
2knowmyself is not a simple article website nor is it a place of shallow fixes; it’s a place of effective techniques that are presented in obvious and understandable format and that are backed by psychology. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself
Want to know more?
How do I use body language to appear more charismatic?
How can I control peoples' impression of me?
How can I change my false beliefs about money?
More about the power of knowledge.
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