November 2, 2006 making 0.8 USD dollars/day
August 2, 2008 making thousands of dollars/month
Honestly this wasn’t as easy as it seems. What happened in this one and half years was some sort of a war. I used to read a lot, make researches and study for my MBA. But in the end I reached some key conclusions that can help any of you to do the same thing and to make good money out of a website.
I did no miracle, I just knew about one of the right ways to make good money out of a website. In this article I will explain one of these concepts that can help you start a successful E-business:
When I first stepped into the business world I had this weird belief in my mind, the one that says that in order to start a new business you must have a brand new idea that no one thought of before.
This is one of the reasons that keep brilliant people waiting forever without doing anything. For they keep waiting for this new idea that no one thought of before and usually this new idea never comes.
Yes it can be very helpful to have a new idea to start with but still you can make a very successful business by just implementing an old idea in a better way.
There are thousands of personal development websites on the web, why does this website get more than 6 million hits a year ? Its because the articles that are found here are different than the articles presented in lots of other websites.
I didn’t invent the concept of self help or personal development but all I did was that I presented an old concept in a better way. and other social networking websites were already there but when facebook came it become the best social networking website even though it wasn’t the first to implement the idea.
In short you can make money from a website even if you don't have any new fantastic idea.
If you are thinking about making money out of a website then you should start now. after all the only loss that could happen is a loss of effort and even this effort wont be lost because you will get lots of experience in exchange for it.
You don't have to wait for a new idea, just find an old one that is implemented poorly then make a one that is better than it.
Making money from your website is not hard at all. you just need to either find a new idea or to implement an old idea in a better way.
Farouk is not only holding several degrees in psychology but he is also an MBA holder, a stock market investor and an entrepreneur. The information you are reading now can dramatically increase your chance of increasing your wealth and becoming rich. If you have any doubts regarding these statements then read what other visitors say about book How I did it was written by Farouk and it explains how he managed to make a website that generates thousands of dollars/month in less than 2 years without paying a penny.
Want to know more?
How to become an entrepreneur?
How to start making money online?
How to become millionaire in 5 years
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
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