Linda recently fell in love and although everything was going smoothly between her and her partner she felt insecure about the relationship. She dreaded the day that the relationship would end and she was always worried about their future together.
Whenever she received a complement from her partner she assumed that he didn't mean it and told herself: "I'm sure he's lying. I'm definitely not as pretty as the other girls he knows."
On the occasions where he went out with other girls she felt afraid that one of them would steal him away from her. She thought that it was so normal to feel afraid because she wasn't as attractive as other girls but she was wrong!!.
If you were a famous celebrity and were successful, rich and good-looking, would you feel insecure upon entering into a new relationship?
Of course you wouldn't, but do you know why?
It's because you are sure that almost everyone would love to be with you.
You are sure of your looks and abilities and that's why you will never feel insecure.
Feelings of insecurity in relationships mainly results from not being sure of one's self, looks or anything else a person considers important. If you don't feel that you are good enough for your partner you always think that he/she will be looking for someone to replace you. This will turn you into a needy person to such an extent that, eventually, your partner will hate you. If this happened then you unintentionally made your worst fear become real.
Dealing with feelings of insecurity in relationships is not a hard thing to do. You just need to take the following actions:
Feeling insecure in a relationship is not a big issue. If the proper actions were taken; like committing to improving your self image and building your self-confidence then your feelings of insecurity will fade away.
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